Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to collect information about visitor's use of the website, including operating system details, the time and duration of visits and IP addresses. The information collected by cookies enables Continuum to understand the use of its site, including the number of visitors it has, the pages viewed per session, time exposed to particular pages etc. This in turn helps to provide visitors with a better experience. We do not attempt to personally identify visitors from their IP addresses.


Cookies do not in any way compromise the security of your computer. Visitors can use this website with no loss of functionality if cookies are disabled from the web browser.

Please note that all of our Cookies exist so as we can improve the functionality of the AIBIUP website and not for advertising purposes. If you do not wish for these cookies to be tracked you can disable them in your browser.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain and in the event of any dispute arising in relation to these Terms and Conditions or any dispute arising in relation to the Website whether in contract or tort or otherwise the Spanish courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute, unless mandatory applicable law requires otherwise.

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